eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals)

The content of this eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals) is the same as the classroom training. Click here to go directly to our Learning Management System. You can find a detailed agenda at the end of this page or you can watch the agenda on YouTube.

In this day and age we can’t live without IT. IT is essential for a modern business and IT is of great influence on our lives. This IT Essentials training will give you control in IT decisions being made in your business, for example when acquiring software. You will gain the knowledge to participate in IT discussions and challenge IT professionals in design choices being made. After attending this eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals) you will gain insight into your IT costs.

This is an eLearning module that consists of a series of movies and a series of optional questions, hosted on our state of the art Learning Management System (LMS). You can study anywhere, anytime : we also offer an App for your mobile phone and tablet. You will receive a soft copy of the material (including links).

This eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals) is meant for those working closely with IT (product owners, managers, etc.) needing more technical knowledge.

A shorter version of this training is also available, you can see an overview of the differences here.

Threats of virusses and ransomware are increasing day by day. How many phishing mails do you receive? You will learn the essentials of cybersecurity and which countermeasures are essential. How can you prevent loosing your valuable data?

eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals) : IT language
eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals) : IT language

IT professionals tend to speak their own language, which makes it very hard for outsiders to understand what they are talking about. This can be frustrating to say the least. In this eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals) you will learn the language and terminology used by IT professionals.

This eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals) explains the basics of Information Technology: from raw data to information. Latest trends in IT like the Cloud, Big Data and IoT (Internet of Things) are explained.

You can find a detailed agenda of this training at the end of this page.

This training is an excellent preparation  for our Masterclass Digital Transformation about the latest trends in IT (Hybrid Cloud, AI & ML, Zero Trust etc.).

During the training you will receive a soft copy of the slides, an IT glossary and PDF with best practices.

eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals) duration

This eLearning module consists of a series of movies of in total 14 hours and a series of optional questions.You will have access to our eLearning platform for 3 months.

You will receive a soft copy of the material (including links). You can find a detailed agenda at the end of this page or you can watch the short agenda on YouTube.


The Web Infra Academy uses two price models: per student or per training. For an on-site classroom training and a quotation please contact us or use the form at the end of this page.

  • E-learning                                   599,00 Euro (not-interactive)
  • Webinar:                                    1595.00 Euro per student (using Skype or Zoom)
  • Blended                                       679,00 Euro (E-learning plus 30 minutes Zoom)

Our courses are also offered by our global partner Global Knowledge.

Experiences & feedback students

You can read the experiences and feedback from former students on the website of Springest, click here.


  • None

Target audience

Non IT professionals or those working closely with IT needing more technical knowledge. Business managers, SMEs, product owners, auditors etc.

Course Agenda

Session 1: Hardware, Virtualization, the Cloud, Scrum and DevOps

In this first session basic IT terminology and principles are explained. What is IT, what is a computer or a server?  What is the difference between software and middleware? What is Open Source en what are the popular Open Source solutions?

Almost all hardware is virtualized: hardware is assigned/used multiple times. You will learn about the impact of Virtualization on, for example, your IT costs and how it enabled a new IT business model: the Cloud. What are the advantages of Cloud computing? When NOT to choose for the Cloud?

Agile/Scrum is a popular way of work in IT and replaces waterfall methods like Prince 2. The basic principles of Agile and Scrum are explained. What are the different roles (Product Owner etc.) and what is their responsibility? What is a backlog? What are the disadvantages of Scrum/Agile? What are the characteristics of DevOps? The basics of Continuous Delivery and Continuous Integration are explained.

Session 2: Internet, Application development and integration. 

The former CEO of Sun Microsystems said: “Privacy, privacy, there is no privacy, get over it!”. In this session the basics of the internet are explained (IP addresses and tracking cookies for example).

The most popular applications being built today are web-based: accessible through a browser. By explaining in detail how a web application works you will learn the basics of networking as well as the infrastructure needed to offer a secure and resilient (high available) web application.

The most popular programming languages are discussed, with special attention to Java©. The latest trends (for example Client-side development and Javascript) are discussed.

The implementation of new software in an existing environment (communication and data exchange with existing software) is critical for a successful implementation and determines to a large extend the IT costs involved (now and in the future). Is the software using standard communication (HTTP, messaging or file transfer)?

We will discuss the most important design decisions in software development. The advantages of using standards like WebServices (REST API’s, SOAP and microservices) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) are explained.

Session 3: Resilience, High Availability, databases, operational management and encryption-SSL/TLS

How can I create a resilient IT infrastructure? How can I prevent downtime and solve problems quickly? What is High Availability? Do I need Disaster Recovery (second data center) and how does that work? How do I prevent data loss? Why do I need a database like Oracle© or SQL Server©? Off course the answers to these questions have a high impact on your IT costs.

An important part of High Availability is operational management: how is monitoring implemented? How do you organize service management (incident and change mangement)?

As encryption (SSL/TLS) is vital for IT security it is discussed extensively in this session.

eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals): Encryption
eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals): Encryption

Session 4: IT security essentials, the IoT, Big Data and Bitcoin (blockchain)

Your IT security measures are for an important part determined by your data. What is the importance of the data for your business? The characteristics of the data (privacy sensitive?) determine what needs to be done to secure (backup) and protect your data: only the right people can read/change the data. Software is merely a tool to get to the data…

eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals): IT Security
eLearning IT Essentials (for non-IT professionals): Security

Viruses and threats are almost part of everyday life. The biggest threats are discussed: virusses, DDOS attacks, Man in the Middle attacks, Zero Day exploits, APT (Advanced Persistent Threat), OWASP top ten etc.

How do you determine which security measures are sufficient? Which tools do I have to use?

The latest trends in IT are discussed. What is the “Internet of Things” and what are the possibilities for your business? What is “Big Data” and why is it important for AI and Machine Learning?

What is Bitcoin? How secure is Bitcoin and how does the Block Chain enable you to transfer money safely without using a bank? How can you secure your Bitcoin wallet?

If you have any questions or are interested in this course, please contact us or use the form below:

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