Hybrid Cloud, Distributed Cloud and Edge Computing training

Some companies are reluctant to make the move to the Cloud. The benefits and the maturity of the CSPs (Cloud Service Providers) are increasing while the difficulties and dangers of maintaining your own IT are getting bigger. The move to the Cloud is not without risk, security in the Cloud is a shared responsibility. This Hybrid Cloud, Distributed Cloud and Edge Computing training will help you to migrate to the Cloud safely and explains the latest trends in Cloud Computing.

This training is meant for Product Owners, (business) managers and IT engineers.

You can find a detailed agenda at the end of this page. This webinar is also part of our Masterclass Digital Transformation. This training is also offered by our international partner Global Knowledge, click here.

In comparison to a few years ago compliance to rules and regulations by the CSPs (like PCI/DSS or GDPR) has improved considerably. Some CSPs even encrypt all data in transport and rest within the Cloud. However, the move to the cloud remains a matter of confidence.

But threats like fishing mails, DDOS attacks and advanced threats like the Solarwinds hack are the rule rather than the exception. It makes you wonder if you are not safer in the Cloud. When the right conditions are in place and you use the appropriate tools (like CASB and SASE) security can be more effective in the Cloud than in your own datacenter.

Although many companies believe the move to the cloud is a cost deduction, you have to keep a tight control. Elasticity is one of the advantages of the Cloud but it can double your costs within a couple of days easily. It is not in the interest of your CSP to keep your costs as low as possible. In this training we will show you the tools to control your costs.

Distributed cloud is the future of cloud” – Gartner Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2021

It is now possible to reserve your own hardware in the public Cloud (if you pay of course!).  That’s where the Distributed Cloud comes in. Another thing: location is important, especially with the rise of IoT, edge AI (Artificial Intelligence) and everybody working from home. A trend in security is to move the check of an identity and it’s access rights (of a user or device) to the edge. All these factors increase the importance of performance at the edge to ensure user satisfaction. Latency (delay on the network) can be an issue when you move to the public Cloud.

Edge Computing has been a trend for Telcos but will play an important role in Cloud Computing. It is important your CSP offers Points of Presence (PoP) as close as possible to the end-user. At first, this PoP might be exclusive for one customer/consumer. It means having your own hardware close to the user AND maintenance and service offerings by your CSP (depending on your CSP).

Hybrid Cloud, Distributed Cloud and Edge Computing training
Hybrid Cloud, Distributed Cloud and Edge Computing training: Points of presence

Feedback participants

You can find feedback and experiences of participants of our courses on Spingest.

Course delivery

This Hybrid Cloud, Distributed Cloud and Edge Computing training is available in the following formats:

  • Webinar: Online classroom / virtual classroom: you are live connected to the trainer with Zoom (or Teams).
  • Classroom training (postponed until further notice)

An E-learning module (as available for our CASB, SD-WAN and SASE training) is under development.

This training is also offered by our international partner Global Knowledge, click here.

Course duration

One session of a day, from 09:00 to 17:00


The Web Infra Academy uses two price models: per student or per training. For an onsite classroom training and a quotation please contact us or use the form at the end of this page.

  • Webinar :            695,00 Euro per participant (with Skype of Zoom)
  • Classroom:         695,00 Euro per participant
  • E-learning:         under development


Basic IT security and networking knowledge. For NON IT professionals it is recommended to follow the IT Essentials training.

Target Audience

IT specialists, managers, Product Owners, solution architects and DevOps engineers.

Course dates classroom, remote/online

  • 23-09-2022 – classroom or online
  • 02-12-2022 – classroom or online
  • 08-03-2023 – classroom or online
  • 30-06-2023 – classroom or online

Please register using the form at the end of this page.

Agenda Hybrid Cloud, Distributed Cloud and Edge Computing training

  • Cloud characteristics according to NIST
  • The shift in responsibilities
  • Security: a shared responsibility
  • Support in the public Cloud
  • Complexity of the Hybrid Cloud
  • Limiting the Vendor Lock-in
  • Cloud and costmanagement
  • Cloud security and high availability
  • Shadow IT and CASB
  • Exit strategies
  • Cloud automation: Policy based automation
  • Infrastructure as Code, the Shift Left
  • Self healing and auto-scaling
  • Impact on your organization
  • What is the Distributed Cloud?
  • Why the Distributed Cloud
  • Substations
  • Advantages of the Distributed Cloud
  • What is Edge Computing
  • Cloud mythes

If you have any questions or are interested in this course, please contact us or use the form below:

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Telephone number (optional)

    Your Message
