The team

Our regular team consists of three persons, each with a unique background and area of expertise.

Marcel Punselie

Marcel Punselie

I live in a beautiful small village, Oudendijk, in the Netherlands and am married with Annette. I am working in IT for more than 25 years.

I started out as a Cobol/Java developer. Later on, I specialized myself in Middleware and Infrastructure. For the last 10 years I am working as a Solution Architect. From 2005 I deliver courses, next to my consultancy activities. In the beginning mainly for the big vendors (IBM), but I quickly started to develop my own training material  providing a unique overview of different technologies, from different vendors.

In 2007 I started my own training company : the Web Infra Academy.


Roland Mammen

Roland Mammen

I am working in IT for 20 years, in different technical roles.

The last 10 years I work as a Solution Architect for big international companies. I like to work at the interface where business and IT meet.

Daily I am confronted with with the latest trends: Public Cloud, Micro Services and Cyber Security. However, I also realize not everything is cutting edge or Open Source, legacy IT remains relevant.

Next to my consultancy activities I deliver courses.  Sharing my experiences in the field is an important aspect.


Martijn Cruyff

Martijn Cruyff

I live in Purmerend, The Netherlands, am married to Linda and have two beautiful daughters, Amber and Jade. My goal in life is; to learn as much as possible, realize beautiful things and share with others.

My interests are broad; from technology to philosophy and everything in between. I combine this knowledge with years of experience in IT, management and personal coaching to deliver training, coaching and consultancy services in different sectors. One of my main capabilities is to translate theory to the unique environment of the customer. In this way I help to make people happier and help to keep organizations viable.
